Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Creation Debate

Anyone who lives in the world today knows of the active debate going between man about how everything that is here came to be. Intelligent design, evolution, intelligent design with the help of evolution, and there are more less popular theories out there. It's one thing to know what you believe and why, it's another to debate those beliefs with others, but it is an entirely different story to try to prove your theory right when you might be putting that effort into saving a soul.

The main point I am trying to make is not one the everyone likes to hear. For a Christian maturing in their faith it is important for them to know what they beleive on the matter and why. But if you are having a conversation with someone who is not saved by Christ and you begin to try and prove why your creation belief is betterthan theirs, we are really saying, "what is more important than your soul is the fact that I'm right." The issue of how the world came to be is an arguement that we should make after we save the soul of those wanting to debate us on it.

It's not bad to talk about this topic at all, my main point is to not turn someone off to the saving power of Christ because a debate about how we are here, instead of why we are here.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Innocence leads to Ignorance

"The final result of the book is quite inspiring, but some of the "pictures" presented in the book are a little extreme. The sexual perversions of America are vividly portrayed. For people who have already been exposed to the tremendous sin that is available in this country, this book will doubtlessly be an inspiration. But for those who want to keep their purity and be innocent in relation to the world's evil, I do not recommend this book. I was sorry I read it."

The above text was a review of the book "The President" by Parker Hudson. Christians with the world view in this review lead the world to think we are feebly, better than them, and afraid to socialize with them and befriend them. We need not to be afraid to be with them and reach out with them, do not follow the sins, but love them and not shun them. Christ never walked away from other because of sexual acts or sins, neither should we.

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Sellersburg, Indiana, United States