Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Rest of my Mortal Life

This right here is a big step for me. I never really put down in writing what I want to do with my life, and for good reason. I usually end up changing my mind about it and pull a 180 or something.

I know that a major part of my life, if not my entire life is going to be doing mission work. Not mission work in the conventional sense of go and evangelize. I want to go to a people with a trade or a skill that I can use to better their life and show Christ's love while teaching them about God's grace and mercy.
Now here comes the tentative part. The trade I want to take with me is the skill of English. I want to go into countries and teach the people the English language. Which is why I am majorly considering secondary education as my major with my emphasis in English Literature. Which is also a good major for me since I love to read and to write as many of you have probably noticed. As a missionary, I want to give to the people in more than just one way as I said before, and English would allow me to do that. It would also make it easier for me to get into otherwise hard to reach countries because most countries will admit people who are willing to teach them to speak, read or write the English language.

Over the past two years, God has changed my heart and in these past few months my attitude towards people. I just sympathize with people so much more now than ever, I think a lot of this has to do with going to New Orleans and helping the people down there. When I see someone in need I can not help but drop what I am doing and help, and if I don't help I feel guilty for not doing what I could have. I hope that if the call of servant hood has not been put on your heart yet, that you would pray to God for it because serving others is one of the greatest things one can do and one of the most joy filling things as well. I want everyone, no matter what they have done, who they have offended, who they were, who they are, no matter what, to experience the love of Jesus Christ. It is the strongest power in this world. I have experienced it I want it to overflow from my life in to the life of others I meet. I love this quote by John Andrew Holmes -
"There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up."

That is so true. I know for me that when I see that I have impacted someone for the better, it makes me feel so good. Even if I am not for sure that they were impacted for Christ and even if it was just a quick helping hand to someone, it makes me feel so good to know that one day they might look back at my good deed and see Christ. I believe that when we humble ourselves and serve others with the right heart, we are in one of the closest states with Christ that we can be. His heart was love. When we make our heart into love, we are imitating Him. If the Son of the Creator of the universe, who said "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me...." had the power to do anything that He wanted to do would lower himself to the position of a servant, then shouldn't we, who are already lower that Him being that we are mere mortals, do in his likeness and serve as he served? If you continue with the rest of what Jesus said in Matthew 28:18-20 you will see that the command to serve and be a disciple unto the entire earth was right there, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

I also don't believe that you have to go to a far away land to serve and be a missionary. You can be a missionary in this very land, in your own community even. There are so many needs around here and so many unreached people that help is needed everywhere. I was just asked this morning by Crossing Christian Church to start up a local mission program for their church that would allow them to get out into the community and serve. I am not just going to limit this to their church though, this local mission group is open anytime to anyone who wants to serve. The tentative name I have decided to go with for the group is Phoenix Missions. I am really in love with the mythological animal of the Phoenix. Merriam Webster defines a phoenix as: a legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period; also : a person or thing likened to the phoenix. A phoenix often represents immortality or reborn hope. The band Kids In The Way have a song called "Phoenix with a Heartache" and in this song, they describe Jesus as the phoenix who died and came out of the ashes to hold us and protect us.
You rose from the ashes
Like a phoenix with a heartache.
Now you're taking me away with you tonight and I know that I can't fly.
But when I'm in your arms, I'm holding up the sky.
I believe that Christ is like a phoenix, dying to save us, going to the grave, and then rising to prove our salvation. This entire mission group is going to be based on the saving power Christ's death and resurrection. Since he died and rose to save us, we owe him our lives. We ought to live as servants to Him, which is living as servants to man.

I am not only working here, I also have a huge passion to work in other countries for my mission work. And as I travel, anyone is welcome to join me in my travels (if spots on the trips I take are available), but I would also love to see PM start out as a local mission, but grow to the point where we have a group that passionately wants to spreads Christ love by occasionally travel out of our "comfort zone." I don't want to always rely on a mission agency to send me out, and tell me where to go. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I would just love to start something, something real, something personal, something passionate. Get people involved who never thought they would be involved. So, early in Phoenix Missions, I don't want to get carried away and try to go to Uzbekistan right away. Now, if that is what God calls me to do right away, then by all means send us out! I just don't want to try and go big and fast and burn out.

May God bless any missionary whether local or international, and may He guide my college life and decisions I make towards the rest of my life. Pray that he will guide you and send you where He needs you.

P.S. Those kids in the picture above were some of my kids that I taught at V.B.S. in Guyana.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That was so awesome. I absolutely love everything you said in that blog. The way you descibed serving and how when you make your heart into love, you are becoming like Christ. That was so incredible. I think that when people read what you say, that they will really look twice at the way they have been living their lives. Hopefully they will come to a point of choice where they will want to meet Christ and come to have a relationship with him.

Phoenix Missions. Wow. Ben, you really have a good head on your shoulders. I like the way you explained why you chose the name. It fits really well. ("Phoenix With a Heartache" is a dope song by the way.) :)

I really hope all of this works out for you, Ben, I really do. It seems like you've put a lot of thought into it and you know exactly what you want out of your life. One day, you're going to find that lucky girl who's going to feel the exact same way as you do, and your life will be off-the-charts awesome. God, a loving wife, and serving...What more could you want?

I love you Benjamin,
Meredith Eckert

(I decided to be official today.)

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Sellersburg, Indiana, United States